
“The only thing i know, and that is that i know nothing”


“The more you know, the less you fear”

-Chris Hadfield

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”

-Leonardo da Vinci

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Ekyimpo Today serves readers with stories about famous people, both real and mythical, whose journey through life made an impact…

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Marsha Music, like French music, Caribbean music or Afro music? Yes and no. Well, no because that’s just her superhero name, and yes because as blood is to the body, so is she the heart and soul of Detroit music. Drawing a fine line between Marsha and the Spirit of Detroit is probably one feat…


Are all walks of life predestined? Is destiny real or one could escape it? Maybe it has all along been camouflaged as fate. This is the story of Oedipus, a man whose life was already doomed from conception. It all started with a sin of a father– Laius of Thebes raped the Prince of Elis.…


When a woman loves, she devotes, sacrifices and protects. She fights for what is rightly hers not necessarily with muscles, but with love and patience. This is the story of the Egyptian goddess Isis who used love to defeat evil. Isis is one of the most important goddesses of ancient Egypt. Her name is translated in…

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